When a document is uploaded into DOKKA that has been identified as an invoice or bill (see the list of supported transaction types), it is automatically registered as "financial" and a bookkeeping entry is created.

Once you enter the document, you will see the "bookkeeping entry screen" with all the details of the invoice.

Here is an example:

* From:  You can drag in the name of the vendor/customer from the document using our Drag&Drop feature. Going froward DOKKA will look in that spot for this contact. If no identification is made, you can search by starting to type in the "From" field. If the contact is not in the list, you can add it. When you Accept the document into your accounting system, the new vendor/customer will be added into your accounting system as well.

*Paid: If you select "Yes" you will be able to select the account from which this was paid in the next field. These accounts are pulled in from your accounting system.

*Dates: The invoice date is the date the invoice was issued.
If the invoice is paid, the second date will be the payment date.
If the invoice is not paid, the second date will be the date on which the payment is due (read more here).

*Ref No: The invoice, payment, reference number will be recorded on the document.

*Line Items: Complete the form by dragging information from the document to create as many lines as needed. As you work, DOKKA will learn and begin to extract the data for you in subsequent documents. Select the account from the dropdown list on each line. DOKKA will remember this as well.

As you work, DOKKA will total the amounts, calculated for Tax/VAT, if applicable.

IMPORTANT: Use the Drag&Drop feature as much as possible. This is the fastest way to teach DOKKA how to work for you in the future.

Now you can move through the entry fields using the left and right arrows keys. Click on a field and use the arrows to scroll through and verify the data.

You can resize the columns of the line items section of the form, just like in Excel. Read about this and other cool functions in the bookkeeping entry form in the continuation to this article...