Different kinds of data items (accounts, tax types, etc.) can be uploaded to Dokka using a CSV file designed for this purpose.

The template to be used is attached in the bottom of this article (default erp data format.csv).

How to enter your data in the CSV file

The CSV file's structure should not be changed at all, and all header columns (Class*, Name*, etc.) should stay as they are. You may create one file with different types of entries (vendor accounts, tax rates and so on) or create a different file with a list of data items of an identical data type (one file for vendor accounts, another for tax rates, and so on).

Column A - Class is mandatory and determines the kind of data item in the row. Options for this field are:

Account - GL/expense account from the Chart of Accounts

Vendor - vendor/supplier/Accounts Payable) account

Customer - customer/Accounts Receivable account

Bank - payment account, to be used in 'Bank/Credit Account' field

Credit - payment account, to be used in 'Bank/Credit Account' field

Tax Rate - a tax type/code to be used in 'Tax Rate' field in the invoice's debit rows

Category - one of three generic fields that can be used to store a list (similar to a Class or Tracking Category in some accounting systems). The display name (

Category2 - one of three generic fields that can be used to store a list (similar to a Class or Tracking Category in some accounting systems). for MDA/MRI integrations,

Category3 - one of three generic fields that can be used to store a list (similar to a Class or Tracking Category in some accounting systems)

Column B - Name is mandatory and holds the name of the data item (vendor name, tax type name, etc.).

For tax types, the name should include the tax percentage to be calculate (for example - selecting a tax type called 'Standard Rate 15' in Dokka will calculate 15% tax based on the invoice amount)

Column C - Code is optional and holds a code value for the data item (for example, 'IT expenses' account code might be 100305 in your accounting system). Code may contain all characters - numbers, letters and special characters (?,/, etc.). Codes should be identical to those that are assigned in your accounting system, to make sure that JEs exported from Dokka will match the data in the accounting system.

Column D - Payment Terms is optional. This field is used to determine the difference in days between the invoice issue date and the payment date for each vendor, and should be formatted as a number.

Column E - TAX ID is optional and determines the vendor's number in the tax authorities.

Column F- TAX Group is optional and determines which tax types can be selected for each vendor. This value should only be set for rows where Class is Vendor or Tax Rate. When a vendor with a specific tax group (for example, 'Input Tax - Assets') is selected in a Dokka invoice, only tax rates who belong to the same tax group (meaning, have an identical value in TAX Group column) will be shown in the Tax Rate field in the invoice's rows.

Column G - Active is optional and determines whether the data item should be active or inactive. If this field is empty, the item will stay active; if this field's value is 'N', the item will be inactive and will either be grayed out or hidden, depending on the company's settings in Settings > Integrations.


Dokka's invoice view is shown in the left side of this screenshot, and the CSV file with the uploaded data is shown in its right side.

In this case, 'Shine and Shine' vendor was selected in 'From' field. Its code (1001) is shown next to its name, and its Tax ID (5031524/55) is shown in Vat ID field. Based on the payment terms (30), the payment date was set as 30 days after the invoice date. As 'Shine and Shine' vendor and 'Exempt 0%' both have the same Tax Group (S), only 'Exempt 0%' tax rate can be selected.

'Maintenance' (code 102) was set as an item with type Category, and the label for Category 1 was set as 'Profit Center' in the company's integration settings, meaning that 'Maintenance' can be selected as a profit center.